The Gothic Guild Interview

The following is a PDF of my initial dissertation proposal about the Gothic Guild Interview process. It helps to provide a clearer understanding about the intention behind the story as it stands at this moment. I intend to continue adding to the story through both the The Gothic Guild and Jerrymanders websites. The story altered in the primary world, with the secondary remaining true to the initial understanding.

While elements of magic realism play a role in the website portion of the urban landscape, after researching magic realism, then speculative fiction, I chose urban fantasy as the final mode in the short story genre.


A secret fictional organization now known as The Gothic Guild (Eastland 2018) was established in 12 BCE and is occupied, and run by, twelve grandmasters. A seat on the Guild is for life and only becomes available when a grandmaster moves on. The same day they depart, a search begins to find a new grandmaster. To fill the vacancy, prospective candidates must vie for the position using only their crafts in a three-tiered interview process, though the opportunity presented is not all it appears. Grandmasters put forward their questions and like The Hunger Games (Collins 2008), the interview is a blood sport fought with words.

Six masqueraders (Interviewees) are selected, but only one interests the grandmasters. Their selection must survive the first two rounds, but those who failed the first round can attempt to steal the prize through the comment system. No masquerader knows what the prize will be.